Meet Our Team

Michael Anthony, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Stephen Atherholt, MFA
Director of Musical Theatre
James Ayers
Professor Emeritus
Betty Bacon, MAM
Global Program Coordinator & Assistant Professor
Blake Barbera, MTS
Adjunct Faculty
Jenee Bare, MA
Adjunct Faculty
Mike Barker, BFA
Adjunct Faculty
LaSondra Barnes, DMin
Director of Master of Arts in Ministry Program, Assistant Professor
Casey Barton, PhD
Director of the Pastoral Ministry Program
Rod Baughman
Director of Athletics
Thomas Beck, MDiv
Adjunct Faculty
Angela Becker, EdD
Adjunct Faculty
Pete Beers, MSS
Director of Athletics
Brent Behrenshausen, MM
Adjunct Faculty- Percussion
Sherry Bell, MEd, MA
Manager of Faculty Support - Washington, D.C.
Camille Bellino, BA
Academic Mentoring Services Coordinator
Kirk Belmont
Adjunct Faculty
Anjanette Bender, JD
Adjunct Faculty
Kendra Bigley, MM
Adjunct Faculty - Piano
Robert Bigley, DMA
Professor, Director of Choral Studies and Chorale & Chamber Singers, Director of Arts and Culture Series
Rob Blanks, MDiv
Program Director Master of Arts in Contextualized Pastoral Ministry
Kimberly Blest, MA, LPC
Director, Counseling & Care Center
Shelby Bowers, MS
Adjunct Faculty
Douglas Bozung, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Kristen Brewer, BMus
Adjunct Faculty- Acting
Jeff Briggs, PhD
Adjunct Faculty, Sports Management Expert Designer & Manager
Robin Bronkema, PhD
Director of Graduate Programs in Education and Associate Professor
Joseph Brown
Director of Global Student Success
Anthony Bruno
Adjunct Faculty
Stephanie Brussel
Admissions Counselor
Day Butcher, EdD
Assistant Professor
Malcolm Byrd, DMin
Adjunct Faculty
Andrea Calderon
Adjunct Faculty - Dance
Jeremy Campbell, DBA
Adjunct Faculty
Daniel Carver, PhD
Associate Professor, Old Testament in Bible & Theology
Krissi Castor, DA
Chair of the Arts & Sciences Department,
Associate Professor, English Composition Coordinator
Jael K.D.L.V. Chambers, MA
Executive Vice President
Lawrence Chiles
Adjunct Faculty
Elisa Chodan, MM
Director of Women’s Chorus
Caleb Chow, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
John Churchville, JD
Professor, Criminal Justice Program Director
Shanika Churchville, MSEd
Director of the Ally Center
Devon Clemmer
Admissions Support Coordinator
Kyle Conkle, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Chelsea Cook
Adjunct Faculty
Rodney Cooper, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Wayne Cordeiro
MAFL Lead Mentor
Debra Johnson-Cortesi, PhD
Assistant Director of Ministry Doctoral Programs, Professor
Dave Coryell, DMin
Adjunct Faculty
Jim Cox, JD
Global Program Coordinator for Political Science & Assistant Professor
Aaron Crosby, MFA
Adjunct Faculty
Frank Dodd
Adjunct Faculty - Organ, Staff Accompanist
Bob Dodson, EdD
Professor, Certification Officer, Field Placement Coordinator
Willow Donnachie, BFA
Adjunct Faculty-Dance
Sean Dougherty, MEd/MS
Assistant Provost for Student Success, Program Director for MA in Counseling programs
Mark Draper, PhD
Director of Library Services, Associate Professor
Mark Farnham, PhD
Professor, MA in Christian Apologetics Program Director
Abby Fellon
Admissions Counselor
Mary Ann Filler
Adjunct Faculty
Douglas Finkbeiner, PhD
Professor and MABS Director
Michael Freeman, DEd
Professor, Communication Program Director
Zach Freeman, MS
Director of Advancement Operations
and Adjunct Faculty
David Fry, MA
Adjunct Faculty
Joshua Fulmer
Admissions Recruiter
David Gaines, Sr., MDiv
Adjunct Faculty
Bulus Galadima, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Ryan Geesaman, MS
Academic Dean of Arts & Sciences, Communication & Media Arts, Music Worship & Performing Arts, Associate Professor
Tyler Gehman, LSW
Adjunct Faculty
Bruno Giamba, ThM
Adjunct Faculty
Heidi Gifford
Gifts Processor
Garth Gittens
Adjunct Faculty
Ryan Gottier, PhD
Adjunct Faculty, Sports Management Expert Designer & Manager
Gordon Gregory, DTh
Professor of Bible & Theology, Faculty Athletic Representative
Devon Groff
Adjunct Faculty- Dance
Kevin Gushiken, PhD
Dean, School of Bible & Ministry and Director, PhD in Leadership and DMin programs
Gene Habecker, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Joy Hall, MABS
Adjunct Faculty
Doris Hall-Gulati, MM
Part-time Faculty, Director of Instrumental Studies. Director of LBC Orchestra
John Hamilton, MM
Adjunct Faculty-Strings (Violin, Viola)
Pauletta Handy
Recruiter DC Campus, Admissions
Samuel Harbin, DMin
Program Chair for Seminary Masters Programs
Justin Harbin, EdD
Director, Center for Teaching & Learning; Associate Professor of Education
Edgar B. Hardesty, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Ryan Hartwig, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Judy Heckaman, BS
Assistant to the President
Christina Helfrick, DSW
Director for Master of Social Work Program, Assistant Professor
Shirley Faye Herr, RN, MSN
Adjunct Faculty
Julia Hershey, DEd
Associate Provost for Academics
Erick Hershey, MFA
Adjunct Faculty
Austin A. Hess, MA
Adjunct Faculty
Guy Higashi, DMiss
MAFL Lead Mentor
Brian Hobbs, EdD
Adjunct Faculty, HPE Expert Designer & Manager
David Hockman, DMin
Adjunct Faculty
Noelle Holmes
Global Admissions Counselor
Sung Hong, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Heath Hooper, PhD
Adjunct Faculty, Sport Management Expert Designer & Manager
Jake Huber
Adjunct Professor
Daniel Hyun, DMin
Adjunct Faculty
Terry Jacobs, DMin
Adjunct Faculty
Robin Jeffers, MEd
Instructional Designer & Adjunct Faculty
Tracey Johnston, BA
Adjunct Faculty
Lavonne Johnston, MS
Adjunct Faculty
Hannah Kahn
Ally Center Student Support Specialist
Scott Keating, MS
Vice President of Advancement
Andrew Keenan, MA
Adjunct Faculty
Chris Keeney, BMus
Adjunct Faculty - Guitar
Abby Keiser, MS
Adjunct Faculty
Myranda Kemrer
Director of Alumni Relations
Tara Kenkelen, BA
Adjunct Faculty - Strings (violin, LBC Orchestra Concertmaster)
Thomas Kiedis, PhD, DMin
Joe Kim, PhD
Professor of Bible & Theology
Charleton King, EdD
Adjunct Faculty & Instructional Designer
Chris Kirkpatrick, EdD
Assistant Professor, Education Dept
Kristina Klopp, MEd
Adjunct Faculty
Kyle Kouterick, PhD
Professor of Natural Sciences
Carla Kouterick, LSW
Program Director for Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Kenneth Laudermilch, DMA
Adjunct Faculty- Trumpet
Melissa Lee, EdD
Assistant Professor; Director for Professional School Counseling & BS Psychology Programs
Matt W. Lee, PhD
Director of Master of Divinity
Chris Lenhart, MRE
Adjunct Faculty, Sports Management Expert Designer & Manager
Kate Leonard
Senior Admissions Counselor
John Lepera, ThD
Adjunct Faculty
Miles Skip Lewis
Professor Emeritus
David Lingham
Manager Recruitment & Admissions, Adjunct Faculty
Jen Mack, BS
Adjunct Faculty
Jenell Magnant
Global Admissions Counselor
Rochelle Marshall
Faculty Advisor to Student Council
Jeffrey Martin, DMA
Interim Associate Chair, Associate Professor, Director of Vocal Studies
Stacey Martin, EdD
Academic Dean of Education, Counseling & Social Work, Professor
Abigail Martin, ABD
Adjunct Faculty - Vocal
Matt Mason, BS
Vice President of Finance
Ted Mavraganis
Career Development Advisor
Rhonda McClenton, PhD
Faculty & Ally Center Associate Director
Allison McClune
Adjunct Faculty- Dance
Matt McDonald
Assistant Director of Admissions
Mark Menga, PhD
Associate Professor
Mark Meyer, PhD
Professor, PhD in Biblical Studies Program Director
Joseph Mina, BS
Adjunct Faculty
Jeff Mindler
Lead Admissions Counselor, Adjunct Faculty
Amy Mongiovi, MA
Writer, Editor, Adjunct Faculty
Cynthia Moore
Enrollment Support Assistant & Receptionist
Dale Mort, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Paul Mulholland, CFP®, MBA
Chair, traditional undergraduate Business programs
Olivia Murrin, MA
Adjunct Faculty
Gene Newswanger
Adjunct Faculty
Timothy Nicholls, PhD
Professor of Bible & Theology
Kimberly Buchar Nolet, DMA
Adjunct Faculty - Woodwinds (bassoon)
Joshua Novalis
Adjunct Faculty
Anne Nye, BMus
Adjunct Faculty - Brass (French horn)
Brittany Ober
Adjunct Faculty
Sophia Ogunlana, EdD
Associate Professor, Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program Director- Washington, D.C. Location
Jared Oliphint, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Chantelle Patschke
ESL & Student Support Specialist / Adjunct Faculty
Rodney Pearce, MDiv
Adjunct Faculty
Randal Pelton, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Ben Petersheim, MA
Adjunct Faculty
Jennifer Petry
Adjunct Faculty
Steven Polonus, PhD
Adjunct Faculty, Subject Matter Expert Designer & Manager
Kelly Poniatowski, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Floyd Rawleigh
Adjunct Professor- Music Education
Ryan Reed, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Jonathan Reese, MA
Adjunct Faculty
Geoffrey Reiter, PhD
Associate Chair of Arts & Sciences Department,
Associate Professor, Coordinator of Literature
Randall Renninger, BS
Adjunct Faculty
Rev. Zachary Ritvalsky, MA
Vice President of Institutional Alignment
Garet D. Robinson, PhD
Adjunct Faculty, MBA & MA in Non-profit Management Coordinator
William (Bill) Rodruan, BS
Adjunct Faculty
Larry Rohrer
Adjunct Faculty
Richard Rosati, MA
Youth & Young Adult Program Director
Charles Ross, ThM
Adjunct Faculty
Michael Ross, PhD
Adjunct Faculty, Subject Matter Expert Designer & Manager
Kara Ruckman
Global Admissions Counselor
Rachel Russell, MMus
Adjunct Faculty - Music Ed
Nichole Mussa Sabil
Director of Events and Conferences
Martin Sauer, MBA
Adjunct Faculty
Vanessa Saylor, EdD
Assistant Professor, Master of Social Work Program
Ed Scheuerman, DMiss
Professor, Director of Intercultural Studies
Thom Scott, MBA
Assistant Professor, Communication
Nicky Sefiane, MA
Financial Aid Coordinator
Jon Shacklett, MA
Assistant Professor
Nathan Shannon, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Gwen Shenk, MEd
Part-time Faculty
Tony Shetter, PhD
Program Chair of Undergraduate Biblical Studies and Associate Professor
Rachel Sidebothom, MEd
Interim Chair of MWPA, Assistant Professor, Director of Music Education Studies, Oboe Instructor,
Timothy Sidebothom, PhD
Professor, Director of Music: Elective Studies
Jesse Skaggs, MEd
Adjunct Faculty
Sheannea Smith
Global Recruiter
Tanya Solomon, PhD
Philadelphia Site Director
Mark Sooy, DMin
Adjunct Faculty
Daniel Spanjer, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Justin Steele, PsyD
Adjunct Faculty - Counseling
Danika Steinmetz, BFA
Dance Coordinator/Adjunct Faculty- Dance
Rebekah Strangarity, MA
Adjunct Faculty
David Swan
Adjunct Faculty
Joshua Swartz, MDiv
Adjunct Faculty
Marc Talbert, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Peter W. Teague
President Emeritus
Jevon Thompson, DM
Program Assistant of Criminal Justice, Associate Professor
Paul Thorlakson, DMA
Professor, Music, Worship & Performing Arts Department
Elizabeth Tierou
Global Philadelphia Ally Writing Services Coordinator
Rebecca Toews, MA
Adjunct Faculty
Melissa Turka, BA
Adjunct Faculty-Dance
Lauren Turner, MS
Adjunct Faculty, HPE Expert Designer & Manager
Greg Wahl
Adjunct Faculty
Catherine Walker, BFA
Adjunct Faculty - Vocal
Tyler Webb
Director of Student Care
Christie Werkheiser, MA
Accessibility Coordinator
Del Wesley, MA
Adjunct Faculty
Jessica Whitmore, MA
Adjunct Faculty
Fredd Williams
Admissions Recruiter
Madison Wilson, BA
Department Assistant for Student Success
Lisa Witmer
Assistant Professor & Field Director of Master of Social Work Program
Arthur Woods, DMin
Adjunct Faculty, Bible & Theology
Brian J. Wright
Adjunct Professor
Mary Yager, MSW
Assistant Professor
Steve Yates, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Timothy Zeager
Part-time Faculty, Director of Worship Arts
Esther Zimmerman, PhD
Program Chair of Undergraduate Ministry Studies; Children & Family Ministry Program Director
Amanda Zuschmidt, MEd
Program Director for Sport Management, Associate Professor